Jumat, 29 Juli 2011


nih 10 Ranking Band jepang Yang paling diinginkan balik alias terbentuk kembali,

1. BOφWY Genre : Rock Time : 1981 - 1988 Labels : BIKUTAINBITESHON (1982) Tokuma Japan (1983) Toshiba EMI (World East) (1985 - 1988) 7 Single/6 Album/4 Best Album/6 Live/2 Remix Member : Kyousuke Himuro (vocals) 布袋寅泰 ( ギター・コーラス ) 寅泰 Budai (chorus guitar) 松井恒松 ( ベース ) 恒松 Matsui (base) 高橋まこと ( ドラム ) Makoto Takahashi (drums) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. Off Course : Off Course was one of Japan's most influential "Folk"§ bands. It was formed in early 1969 by Kazumasa Oda (小田和正) and Yasuhiro Suzuki. They broke up in 1989 36 single/...... -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3. Princess Princess : Also known as Puri-Puri/Julian Mama/Akasaka Komachi Genre J-Rock/J-Pop Years active 1983 – 1996 Labe : Sony Records 15 album Members : Kaori (Lead vocals/guitar) Kanako (Lead guitar/vocals) Atsuko (Bass guitar/vocals) Tomoko (Keyboards/vocals) Kyoko (Drums/percussion) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4. Rebecca : REBECCA (レベッカ) was a Japanese popular pop/rock band active mostly in the late 80’s, fronted by Nokko. They released 7 albums from 1984 to 1989. The band’s name comes from the novel “Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm”. * NOKKO: Vocal * 土橋安騎夫 (どばしあきお) : keyboards, leader second-generation * 教之Takahashi (Nori Yuki Hashi Taka): base, programming * Odawara Toyo : Drumer -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5. Judy and Mary : Genre : Rock/J-Pop/Punk Years active : 1991–2001 Label : Chainsaw Records/Epic/Sony Records 22 single/7 album/4 compilation members : Yoshihito Onda (basis) Yuki Isoya (vokalis) Kohta Igarashi (drummer) Takuya Asanuma (gitaris) (1993-2001) Taiji Fujimoto (x-gitaris) (1992-1993) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

6. Unicorn : Unicorn, Japan's fab five was formed in 1985 in their hometown of Hiroshima and began their career member : Nishikawa Koichi : Drums Yoshiharu Abe : Keyboards & Vocals Okuda Tamio : Lead Vocal & Guitar Horiuchi "Ebi" Kazushi : Bass & Vocals Isamu Teshima : Guitar -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. Checkers : Origin : Kurume Genre Rockabilly/Doo-wop/J-Pop Years active :1981 – 1992 Label : Pony Canyon Records 31 single/10 album/11 best members : Fumiya Fujii (vocal, chorus) Masaharu Tsuruku (vocal, chorus) Yoshihiko Takamoku (vocal, chorus) Tohru Takeuchi (guitars, chorus) Yuji Ohdoi (bass, chorus) Yoshiya Tokunaga (drums, chorus) Naoyuki Fujii (sax, flute, vocal, chorus) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8. The Blue Hearts : Also known as : Buruha ブルハ Genre : Punk rock Years active : 1985–1995 Label : Meldac Records (1987-1989) East West Japan (1989-1995) 18 single/8 album/6 comlipation/2 live Former members Hiroto Kōmoto Masatoshi Mashima Junnosuke Kawaguchi Tetsuya Kajiwara Mikio Shirai (support member) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. The Yellow Monkey : The Yellow Monkey (ザイエローモンキー), often abbreviated to yemon (イエモン), was a Japanese rock band formed in 1989.

The band's name is derived from an ethnic slur that Japanese people look like monkeys, and Asian people are "yellow" in skin colour. The Yellow Monkey officially disbanded on July 7, 2004, although band activities were ceased starting from January 2001. 9 album/18 single/4 compilation member : Kazuya "Lovin" Yoshii (vocals and guitar) Hideaki Kikuchi (guitar, backing vocals) Youichi Hirose (bass, backing vocals) Eiji Kikuchi (drums) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. Lindberg : Genre : Pop/Rock Years active : 1989-2002 Label : Tokuma, Publi 35 singles, 15 albums, and 12 best-of and singles collections Former members : Maki Watase Tatsuya Hirakawa Tomohisa Kawazoe Masanori "Cherry" Koyanagi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peringkat 11-30 11. Barbee Boss 12. Seikima II 13. Wands 14. pizzicato Five 15. Luna sea 16. T-Bolan 17. 19 18. Filpper's Guitar 19. PIIENDO crawl 20. ZONE 21. Tamago 22. thee michelle gun elephant 23. BLANKEY JET CITY 24. PSY・S 25. Daijiman Brothers band 26. Sunny Day Service 27. FIELD OF VIEW 28. GO-BANG’S 29. Number Girl 30. MOON CHILD

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